Friday, May 23, 2014

Military Care Package

My boys and I have been enjoying putting together fun and decorative care packages for my husband.  Here is our most recent one.  I didn't take a picture of the contents because there wasn't anything cute about the contents - lol!  Just some hygiene items that he needed and the comics section from the past few weeks of Sunday papers (he loves those).

Monday, February 7, 2011

Feeling Inadequate

I have been feeling very inadequate lately...inadequate at everything I do.  So much so that it's caused me to sit back and reflect on those feelings.  Why do I feel inadequate?  How did those feelings of inadequacy end up in my head?

Well, I've come to the conclusion that Satan puts those feelings into our heads...he makes us feel like we're worthless.  Worthless unless we accomplish everything on our to do list, worthless if we don't have certain things, worthless if we don't look a certain way, or worthless if we don't have the perfect life.  This list could go on and on of how we can feel worthless and inadequate.

I know that our Heavenly Father wants us to feel adequate, actually he wants us to feel amazing and accomplished.  He wants us to know that we are sons and daughters of a Heavenly King!  He wants us to feel good about ourselves so that we can bless others.  Because let's face it, if we don't feel good about ourselves, we are not able to help and bless others to our full capacity.  And, this life really is about serving others and reaching our full potential as sons and daughters of God. 

So, tonight as I think about how inadequate I feel, it is my prayer that we all start to see ourselves as our loving Heavenly Father sees us...full of potential, full of love, full of hope, full of grace and someone of infinite worth!

Friday, October 1, 2010

What a Beautiful Message!

Wow, I truly encourage everyone to watch this beautiful message (I am still learning how to embed a video, so here's the link until I figure it out!). How often do we judge another without realizing that we are all imperfect? It is my prayer that I will be quick to love, quick to appreciate, and quick to serve the fellow travelers in this journey through life!

I love this quote by Thomas S. Monson: "Rather than being judgmental and critical of each other, may we have the pure love of Christ for our fellow travelers in this journey through life."

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Our 2010-2011 Homeschool Curriculum

Here are the curriculum choices that I made for this school year. You will notice that I chose from a mixture of different curriculum's. I put a lot of thought, prayer, research and time into the selection of our curriculum this year and feel very good about our choices.

6th/7th Grader
(my son wants to progress through 6th and 7th grade over the next 12 months)

Math - Saxon Math 7/6 and 8/7

Grammar - Easy Grammar Grade 6 and 7 and Evan-Moor Daily Paragraph Editing

Literature - 2 hours of reading each day, alternating between a classic and a book he chooses (he really likes Harry Potter, Fablehaven, 13 Clues, etc). The books that I will have him read this year are: some of the Hardy Boys books, Gulliver's Travels, Treasure Island, Robinson Crusoe, Swiss Family Robinson and Journey to the Center of the Earth

Vocabulary - Wordly Wise Grade 6 and 7

Spelling - Spelling Power

Writing - Spectrum Writing Grade 6 and 7, daily journaling and Evan-Moor Daily 6-Trait Writing

History - A Noble Birthright: Defenders of the Title of Liberty

Science - Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Geography - Discovering the World of Geography Grade 5/6

Scripture Study - Discover the Book of Mormon Grades 4-7

Sign Language -

Typing -

Electives - he will choose a subject to learn about, check out books on the subject from the library and write a brief report on the subject every two weeks

Extras - Faith in God requirements, Scouting, Piano, reading of the books Wooden and Boyhood and Beyond with mom


Reading - Teach Your Child To Read In 100 Easy Lessons

Math - Horizons K Math

Handwriting - Handwriting Without Tears

For fun -

Lots of reading with mom too!

As you can see, it's a mixture. We are also starting our day by saying the Pledge of Allegiance, reading our Family Values and Mission Statement, singing and learning the history and words of a hymn, reading from the 365 Manners book and reading our scriptures. I feel truly blessed to be able to homeschool my two boys. It makes the days interesting and fun!

About Me

Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Angela. I am a daughter of God and a stay at home (schooling) mother of two wonderful boys. We are a military family and I am so lucky to be married to my best friend. We are a family that likes to have fun together and serve others.

I am passionate about the gospel of Jesus Christ, homeschooling, serving my family, serving others, cooking, budgeting, saving money, reading good books and scrapbooking (although it's been a couple years since I've done it)!

I didn't used to be a homemaker, I worked 50+ hours a week but through some amazing (and very hard at the time) changes in our lives, I feel blessed to be home with my children each day! I know not every mother is able to do what I do and for that I am truly a grateful homemaker!

Hope you enjoy my blog :-)